We picked out a hound named Lincoln, and we visited him and took Jack to visit. We were all set to adopt him, and I went to the shelter in the morning to pick him up. The people right in front of me took him - the first adoption of the day. I was disappointed, but I decided to look around.

I made the circuit of the kennels, but didn't see any dog that called to me. Then I stopped at the last kennel near the door, and there was Sally. She looks just like a little black wolf. She came right up to me and wanted to be petted, and was so friendly and happy. She had been at the shelter for 4 months, and had been brought back from one adoption because she chased livestock. She didn't seem to mind the shelter at all. She had her blanket, and some friendly people around and that was all she needed.
I called Robin and he told me to do what I thought was best. So I brought her home. She didn't want to get in the car, but when I picked her up and put her in, she was good as gold. I took her to work to meet Robin and then home to meet Jack. Jack was worried about having a dog that barked, but Sally never barks. She has never had an accident, never chews, loves to ride in the car now, and will chase anything on 4 legs. She is always up for a walk, has comfy beds all over the house, and loves veggie burgers, croissants, vanilla ice cream and especially sausage. She will let Jack sit next to her and feed her pieces of kibble from her bowl. She is so gentle and loving with us and every other person she has ever met. She is very aggressive toward other dogs, squirrels, cats, deer, etc. and must always be on the leash when we walk. But we all have our quirks!
Jack was fully potty trained, with no night time accidents, a month after we got Sally. We think he just needed something else to occupy his mind. She has been such a blessing for us.
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