On Friday, Jack and I went to see the Pumpkin House, an old Victorian place decorated with thousands of carved pumpkins, complete with pumpkin orchestra and choir.
Saturday was gorgeous and warm, and we celebrated by waiting for an hour to vote. It's good to have it done with, though. We saw this sign at the courthouse, which made us giggle:

Jack and I also went to see Peter Pan at the theatre. Captain Hook and the alligator were his favorites.
Sunday I managed to do some knitting for the first time since becoming pregnant, and I finished these socks:

I started another pair, in Louet Gems by Cherry Tree Hill sock yarn in Green Mountain Madness. Jack and I went to see a friend run the Marshall University marathon.
My husband bought an electric chainsaw (so quiet - I love it!) and trimmed some limbs from a tree that was shading our garden. In the course of this, I was standing on the ladder to ensure he didn't fall over, and one of the limbs fell on my left shoulder. It's still a little sore today, but I think no permanent damage was done. He also raked, mowed the lawn, and bottled 56 bottles of honey-wheat beer. All in all, an extremely productive, enjoyable weekend.