Monday, November 3, 2008

Crazy Running Lady

I took myself to the park today for a run. Well, a run/walk. I haven't run in a while. I am pregnant, and I've had nausea for about 5 weeks, and then 2 miserable colds. A hideous, hacking cough has been hanging around for a few days now. I have sciatica and backache and I'm tired. All these things, to me, spell disaster unless I get on my feet again. With my first pregnancy, I ran for 38 weeks, and delivered at 39. Frankly, I don't know anyone else who has run that long into their pregnancy. Running with a 30 pound weight gain and a full bladder is not exactly fun. All the usual rewards of running don't apply. You don't lose weight, get faster or run farther. You don't even have a quicker, easier labor. You DO have a healthy heart and lungs, maintain a healthy gradual weight gain, sleep better at night, minimize swelling, backache, leg pains and digestive troubles. And you gain some control over a body which seems sometimes to belong to someone else.

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