Monday, January 5, 2009

Lean, Mean January Machine

Well, not exactly. The usual progression of Christmas indulgence through January abstemiousness does not apply to the pregnant woman. The craving for pate and cookies has not been replaced by one for Smartwater and cucumber slices. And that's okay. I've had a baby before, and when he was 2, I weighed what I weighed in high school. It can be done.

I do, however, have some New Year's Resolutions, although not of the celery-and-treadmill type.
1. Practice yoga every day.
2. Teach Jack to read and write
3. Save $10,000
4. Finish knitting purple sweater
5. Learn to make macarons
6. Finish painting kitchen
7. Learn to play piano
8. Compost kitchen waste
9. Take out recycling every 2 weeks

Some things on there are for me, some for Jack, some for the environment, some for the household. And I'm almost done with the purple sweater, so I'm well ahead on my resolutions already.

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