Thursday, December 18, 2008

Festive Update

Christmas preparations are going swimmingly so far. I sent Robin to the post office with two big boxes of gifts for the relatives, which I always think is the hardest part - shopping, wrapping, finding the correct size box, packing, finding the tape, digging for addresses. Jack helped me wrap all the presents this year. I have one stocking still left to make, and 1.5 socks to knit. We are having pre-Christmas on Saturday with some friends who will be out of town for the holidays. Ham, here I come! My sister will be here tomorrow night, in time to bake more cookies and wrap more gifts and have light-saber duels with Jack while Mommy puts the finishing touches on Robin's Christmas shirt. Jack's vintage 1978 Millenium Falcon is stashed in the laundry room, waiting for me to buy a whole lot more wrapping paper. Three kinds of cookies have been baked.

So really, what more is there to do but sit in front of the fire, eat popcorn and read Twilight?

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