Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Thoughts

My main thought is: Thank God for mashed potatoes and gravy. We had the best Thanksgiving dinner I can ever remember, at Robin's brother's house in Tappan, NY. Turkey, the aforementioned potatoes and gravy, dressing, rolls and butter, homemade cranberry sauce, squash baked with nuts and pomegranate seeds, a salad of collards, lime juice and red peppers, and pie. Pumpkin, apple, cherry, and, my contribution, chocolate cream. There was wine, but I had sparkling cranberry-apple cider and Jack had milk. So, so delicious. I could eat it all over again right now.

New York was fun: we went to the circus, ate at a great place across from Lincoln Center (crab cakes and those thin Belgian frites, Jack had homemade shells and cheese, cheesecake for dessert) and made a trip to the Cloisters on a gorgeous sunny day and took a nice hike up through Fort Tyron Park. We took Rick and John out for dinner the last night we were there. It was an Italian place in North Yonkers, we had a cold antipasto with bread and olive oil, and then chicken with sausage, mussels fra diavolo, pork chops, homemade meatballs with penne & lobster ravioli.

Jack played with his cousins and wore himself out. He enjoyed his plane rides very much and seemed unfazed by New York in general, despite having left there when he was very small. I got a tremendous amount of reading done, mostly Dorothy Sayers, did absolutely no work, and came back with a great desire for a jasmine plant and a Meyer lemon tree.

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